We think cats are the greatest thing in the world...but, you know... that's just us.

There are many people behind our visually fragrant wall of catnip, that make this stellar day,
rule the world, every year and they are official CAT PEOPLE.
Some of them live with cats and some just wear kitty ears...others; cats on their socks and bow-ties. Our team is brilliant and creative, they meow when spoken to, come running when called, bump noses, keep their litter boxes clean, purr when happy and just like cats, are witty and engaging. Sadly however, some of our "cat day peeps" still live under a veil of lies, that humans are superior to cats and that cats worship us. We're working on quickly dissolving this desperate delusion, bringing them into reality gently, with the assistance of professional counselors, going slowly...kitten step by kitten step, so that when the TRUTH sets in, their minds aren't completely obliterated.
Cats Rule The World. Yeah...they really do.
What We Do
We explode the internet every October 29th. We live to celebrate cats and help them to find forever homes. Through our large social media & press platform, all year long we're able to partake in the wonderful world of cats and put the plight of cats in shelters, center stage. We educate literally millions all year long but on October 29th....it's party time! We encourage you to spoil your fur baby a little more on National Cat Day than any other day (you don't want them to get too demanding do you?) by buying them a new toy drenched in cat nip, giving them something simply scrumptious to eat, offering LOTS more cuddling and making a donation to your local shelter in their honor. The best way you can celebrate though is to save a life! So if you can....ADOPT....don't shop. Estimates reveal that there are approximately 4 million cats entering shelters every year with 1-2 million being euthanized. Often cats are overlooked and under-appreciated because they don't usually have jobs like dogs. But cats still lower blood pressure, offer unconditional love and companionship, tons of laughs and alert their owner to danger. Many cats have been named heroes. So take that...dogs!

What We Believe
We believe that every cat should have a forever home where they are safe, warm, loved, cherished and regarded as FAMILY.
We believe that cats are PURfect best friends and are among the funniest animals on the planet.
We believe that life just isn't the same without a cat in it.
We believe in adoption to help reduce the number of unwanted cats that flood shelters and rescues every day.
We believe in spaying & neutering as a way to end the suffering and overpopulation of cats around the globe.
We believe that no matter where a cat comes from, being a cat parent is a precious gift and a responsibility one should not take lightly. Please make sure you can properly care for a cat before you commit to opening your heart and home.
Who We Are
To start, we're a large group of overly passionate
(Ok! Ok! OBSESSED) cat lovers with a variety of skills that, all blended together, makes the perfect catnip cocktail. National Cat Day was founded in 2005 by Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert & Animal Welfare Advocate Colleen Paige to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued each year and also to encourage cat lovers to celebrate the cat(s) in their lives for the unconditional love and companionship they bestow upon us.

A meow is a cat vocalization. Meows may have diverse tones and are sometimes chattered, murmured or whispered. Adult cats rarely meow to each other, so an adult cat meowing to human beings is probably a post-domestication extension of meowing by kittens; a call for attention.
{We're pretty sure it's them telling us how awesome they are...demanding cuddles and/or treats...or all of the above.}
Many more styles, colors and other gear in our shop! Click here to see more!

Did you know that National Cat Day has trended #1 worldwide for the last nine years on Twitter? That's priceless exposure for your brand.The tweet capture below was very early in the day. Cat Day 2021 ended with 130k+ tweets. Click HERE to become a 2023 partner!